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Anvis 9s With Omni 6 Tubes

ANVIS 9s With OMNI 6 Tubes

ANVIS 9s With OMNI 6 Tubes

ANVIS 9s With OMNI 6 Tubes
ANVIS 9s With OMNI 6 Tubes

ANVIS 9s With OMNI 6 Tubes

ANVIS 9s With OMNI 6 Tubes

ANVIS 9s With OMNI 6 Tubes

ANVIS 9s With OMNI 6 Tubes

ANVIS 9s With OMNI 6 Tubes

ANVIS 9s With OMNI 6 Tubes

ANVIS 9s With OMNI 6 Tubes

ANVIS 9s With OMNI 6 Tubes

ANVIS 9s With OMNI 6 Tubes

ANVIS 9s With OMNI 6 Tubes

ANVIS 9s With OMNI 6 Tubes

AN/ANVIS 9 Night Vision Goggles with Omni 6 tubesFMA Shroud Base for GSGM NVG Mount Type AGreen PhosphorusBridgedHard Case included. Mount has a slight problem when delivering power to the NVGs. When it wiggles or sudden movement they tend to shut off or flicker on and off.

I will see if I can adjust the contact points on the mount to see if that fixes the issue.
ANVIS 9s With OMNI 6 Tubes   
ANVIS 9s With OMNI 6 Tubes