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Bti10 Head Mounted Thermal Imaging Monocular Night Vision Goggles Thermal Scope

BTI10 Head Mounted Thermal Imaging Monocular Night Vision Goggles Thermal Scope

BTI10 Head Mounted Thermal Imaging Monocular Night Vision Goggles Thermal Scope

BTI10 Head Mounted Thermal Imaging Monocular Night Vision Goggles Thermal Scope

BTI10 Head Mounted Thermal Imaging Monocular Night Vision Goggles Thermal Scope

BTI10 Head Mounted Thermal Imaging Monocular Night Vision Goggles Thermal Scope

BTI10 Head Mounted Thermal Imaging Monocular Night Vision Goggles Thermal Scope

BTI10 Head Mounted Thermal Imaging Monocular Night Vision Goggles Thermal Scope
BTI10 Head Mounted Thermal Imaging Monocular Night Vision Goggles Thermal Scope

BTI10 Head Mounted Thermal Imaging Monocular Night Vision Goggles Thermal Scope

BTI10 Head Mounted Thermal Imaging Monocular Night Vision Goggles Thermal Scope

BTI10 Head Mounted Thermal Imaging Monocular Night Vision Goggles Thermal Scope

BTI10 Head Mounted Thermal Imaging Monocular Night Vision Goggles Thermal Scope

BTI10 Head Mounted Thermal Imaging Monocular Night Vision Goggles Thermal Scope   BTI10 Head Mounted Thermal Imaging Monocular Night Vision Goggles Thermal Scope

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BTI10 Head Mounted Thermal Imaging Monocular Night Vision Goggles Thermal Scope. Head mounted thermal imaging night vision monocular - 4 Image Modes: White, Black, Red, Mixed - 384x288p resolution - 8x magnification - 5 Types of reticle Specif ication : Type:Thermal Imaging Night Vision Goggles Model: BTI10 Resolution: 384x288p Magnification: 8X Field of view: 5.5x14.5° Effective Visual Distance: 1000m Optical lens size: 18mm NETD. 1 BTI10 Thermal Imaging Night Vision Goggles. Unused/unopened merchandise will be fully credited. All emails will be answered within 24 hours.

BTI10 Head Mounted Thermal Imaging Monocular Night Vision Goggles Thermal Scope   BTI10 Head Mounted Thermal Imaging Monocular Night Vision Goggles Thermal Scope