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The Foundation framework and icons could not be found.

In order to use the Mundus theme, you must download the framework: Click here and extract it to sites/all/libraries/foundation

Additional you need to download Foundation icons: Click here and extract it to sites/all/libraries/foundation_icons_all

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Nvu Pvs7 Mil Spec Gen 3 Itt Pinnacle Tube Night Vision Goggle Pvs-7 P+

   NVU PVS7 Mil Spec Gen. The AN/PVS-7B/D night vision goggle is the current military issue night vision goggle for the US armed forces. It is also the preferred choice of many foreign (NATO) forces. Built to withstand the rigors of battlefield use, the PVS-7B/D was designed to withstand water immersion and be hands free. Originally built around a generation two image tube, the introduction of the generation three image tube increased the system performance by more than 50 percent and the tube lifespan by more than 300 percent. Features include an infrared LED (for use in ...
