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Ab Night Vision Rnvg Harris Omni 8 Green Phosphor Mx10160 Gen 3 Binocular Nvg

   AB Night Vision RNVG Ruggedized Night Vision Goggles with Harris Omni 8 Green Phosphor MX10160 Gen 3 tubes. These have been my personal set for about a year now and are beautiful autogated tubes, built professionally and tested by DV in Texas. Metal housing makes these RNVG perfect for anyone who doesnt want a fragile set of nvg. Last 2 photos are of the tube. No blems, 1-2 extremely small black dots but they wont even show up on camera and cannot be seen unless staring at a white wall with the naked eye. Outside housing has little to no signs of wear. The unit will come in a ...

Rnvg Anvis Night Vision With Mx10160 Tubes And Anvis Optics And Battery Pack

   Updated photos with tube photos and IR illuminator. This is a very nice new/used unit. This is a new RNVG ANVIS housing with used ANVIS 6/9 optics and MX10160/AVS-6 Gen 3 Omni III intensifier tubes. Unit has been assembled, tested and nitrogen purged. Unit comes with new case and standard sized battery pack. POWER SOURCE: (1) CR123 BATTERY. FOCUS RANGE: 9.8 TO INFINITY. OPERATION TIME: APPROXIMATELY 16 HOURS. FIELD OF VIEW: 40 DEGREES. INTERPUPILLARY ADJUSTMENT: 51 TO 73MM. DIOPTER ADJUSTMENT: -6 TO +2. WEIGHT: 555g W/O BATTERY, 570g W/ BATTERY. DIMENSIONS: 4.7 X 4.2 X 2.8....