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The Foundation framework and icons could not be found.

In order to use the Mundus theme, you must download the framework: Click here and extract it to sites/all/libraries/foundation

Additional you need to download Foundation icons: Click here and extract it to sites/all/libraries/foundation_icons_all

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Pvs-15 Binocular Pre Order (pvs31 Style) Gen 3 Gp Night Vision Goggles

   Night vision is the cheapest superpower. And this most affordable Gen 3 Night vision goggles possible! Dual tube night vision goggles offer a more natural view, improved peripheral vision, and heightened awareness in the dark, helping in tasks like navigation and enhancing overall situational awareness. (See other options listed too). Blemishes: Tubes may have a couple small blemishes nothing will be unusable, including no emission points or Z1 blems. Tube min specs: 64 resolution (lp/mm). 21 S/N, gain 40,000-70,000, Halo 1.25mm. (Keep in mind specs are only noticeable in a lab) I ...