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Sohah Gentex Sm Maritime Bump Helmet With Pvs-21 Qd Nvg Mount

SOHAH GENTEX SM Maritime Bump Helmet with PVS-21 QD NVG Mount

SOHAH GENTEX SM Maritime Bump Helmet with PVS-21 QD NVG Mount

SOHAH GENTEX SM Maritime Bump Helmet with PVS-21 QD NVG Mount

SOHAH GENTEX SM Maritime Bump Helmet with PVS-21 QD NVG Mount

SOHAH GENTEX SM Maritime Bump Helmet with PVS-21 QD NVG Mount

SOHAH GENTEX SM Maritime Bump Helmet with PVS-21 QD NVG Mount

SOHAH GENTEX SM Maritime Bump Helmet with PVS-21 QD NVG Mount

SOHAH GENTEX SM Maritime Bump Helmet with PVS-21 QD NVG Mount

SOHAH GENTEX SM Maritime Bump Helmet with PVS-21 QD NVG Mount

This particular helmet is utilized by US Navy special operations and Coast Guard boat crews. Size is listed as small, however, it fits my head quite well and typically I wear a L / XL FAST helmet.

Helmet shell is similar to non-ballistic CVC shell, with Ops-Core rails.

SOHAH GENTEX SM Maritime Bump Helmet with PVS-21 QD NVG Mount    SOHAH GENTEX SM Maritime Bump Helmet with PVS-21 QD NVG Mount