Monocular 5x40 Night Vision With 1.5 Tft Lcd 16g Card Camera Video Recorder Nvg
Various Applications:Night Hunting and Scouting game, Security and surveillance, Camping fun, Exploring caves , Night navigation, Night fishing and boating, Wildlife observation, Search and rescue, Scenery. Field of view: 5 °x 3.75°.
Minimum working illuminance: 0.01 lux. Visible distance in low-lighting: 2.5m - infinity under natural starlight. Observing distance(dark environment):5m200m.
Resolution of displayed image: 300,000 pixels 640 x 480. Camera pixel: 300,000 pixel SD. Low-lighting infrared power: 1W 850m. NOTE:The type of battery is 14500 3.7V/750mAH (Included). When using...