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The Foundation framework and icons could not be found.

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Additional you need to download Foundation icons: Click here and extract it to sites/all/libraries/foundation_icons_all

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Steiner Dbal-a3 Full Power 50mw Ir Laser Illuminator For Night Vision I2 D2 Mawl

   Real DBAL A3 FP for use with NVG's. New in box, Recent Production - Unused Condition. Real Deal, no Clones or Copy's of the A3 even exist. Steiner DBAL-A3 Full Power 50mW IR Laser & IR Illuminator w/ Green Visible 5mW Aiming laser. Clean Illuminators unlike the PEQ15's petri dish - FP A3's don't always make a perfect circle depending on where you have them adjusted but they are Clean - its just the nature of the beast.. Short vid of an A3 FP in High-High IR Laser & IR Illuminator Mode added - Static Pic of just the FP IR Illuminator also. Includes the full compliment of kit ...