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What you see is what you get. This is a genuine Armor Source ACH made in the USA(2015). It has been high cut to Opscore ARCs for ACH/MICH.
It is difficult to do without excessively damaging the aramid matrix and looking like garbage. Clean helmet, looks almost new inside. New Norotos shroud, new glass reinforced rails, new 4pc rail accessories, new bungies, new improved H-nape strap, Armor Source pads. Again this helmet is a size MEDIUM. I will include the ear drops with data tags for you to inspect and test.
Pvs7-New complete housing with a nice used MX10130D/UV autogated Gen 3 ...
What you see is what you get. This is a genuine Armor Source ACH made in the USA(2015). It has been high cut to Opscore ARCs for ACH/MICH. It is difficult to do without excessively damaging the aramid matrix and looking like garbage. Super clean helmet, looks new inside. New genuine Wilcox L4 shroud, new Opscore ACH-ARC rails, new 4pc rail accessories, new bungies, new modified London Bridge woodland cover, new weight/batt pouch, new improved H-nape strap, clean Armor Source pads.
Again this helmet is a size MEDIUM. I will include the ear drops with data tags for you to inspect and...