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It has been taken good care of. It has built in adjustable hi/Lo IR infarared technology. You can see in total darkness.
You can also view in the standard night vision green or flip a switch to change the field of view to white phosphor. Please review all photos for condition and description details. I do my best to show and disclose any flaws I find. Please use pictures as part of the description and feel free to ask any questions. As with any piece of equipment there is a learning curve. If you have no experience with night vision. Theres nothing wrong with that. A lot of my ...
Video will open in a new window. 940 CQBR Blue Filter: 100% invisible:; 20' range. Cqbr using TR1 iR 940nm.
940 CQBR using 850nm iR flashlight bouncing off ceiling. 940-CQB Home Defense night vision. CQBR using 940iR with red filter. CQBR using TLR 1 iR: 850nm 100 feet Range. CQBR using TLR 1 i converted to 940nm 50 feet shine exposes 60 feet.
940-CQBR OPMOD Using TLR-2 Eye Safe model. STOP: If you need to look at baby deer in the backyard at 25-75 yards... The original NV-300 is awesome for civilians needing to view at a distance at an opponent that is harmless.
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